Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter and the Never Ending Winter

So, the weather here is still snowy on most days and we have had to jump on the bed a lot in order to get our wiggles out (good thing our neighbor downstairs is hard of hearing). But we have hopes for warmer weather....maybe in June?

She is very good at getting ready for school.

Sometimes she enjoys trying on my clothes while I am still getting ready in the morning. I think she looks loke E.T. here. :P

Look out! She is watching you Easter Bunny. The girls had a fabulous time searching for their eggs this year. There were mostly real eggs (since I am really trying to keep the girls away from candy)....we had egg salad all week. :/ I enjoyed it....but I noticed Adam and the girls starting to loose their spark for an "Egg" centered dish by day three.

She loves animals...even the cat who doesn't enjoy her and sometimes scratches her to tell her "enough!" (This was at Brenden's house but didn't make it into the last posting with the other pict.'s from that evening).

The Easter Bunny brought the movie "Tangled" to the girls this year. We watch it about 2 times a is a HOMERUN with our girlies.

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