Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here she is....

She arrived a week ago via stork and enjoys being with us so far. We LOVE having her around. She is a sweet baby and eats really well. She also travels well......I have had to leave the house for many errands the last two days and they have gone smoothly. I just take my time and don't over do it. My sister comes tomorrow to help for 5 days. We haven't seen her for two years so I am very excited to have her. I know it will be hard for us to part next Tuesday but I guess that is what growing up is all about. (And flying in from New Orleans is not a cheap expenditure) Anyway.....we welcome the new arrival of Savannah Lyn Erickson. 7 lbs. 9 oz. 19 and 3/4 in. She has a full head of hair and looks just like Charlotte did. She arrived at 3:53 p.m. on June 11th, 2009. It is great to be a family of four!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last Days of Glory

Charlotte is getting our FULL attention and is loving the quality time that she is able to spend with her Mommy and Daddy before the arrival of her little sister. She better eat it up now before that goes out the window.

Well, it 's final! My classes are all done and so I now have time to breathe! (Too bad Charlotte asked me to go back to school the other day when I went to pick her up from preschool.....sad) I was able to change her mind quickly though as I offered the "red park" (Washington...I love that kids have funny names for everything.) :) She and I go to the park as often as we can, or on rainy days we play pretend in her bedroom and giggle. It is so fun to not have to watch the clock most days.

We just recently pulled out her baby swing and in the box we found the blanket Aunt Ginger made for her when she was born. She was so excited that she went in her room and brought me out her scarf and plush toy zebra that matched. This made her very happy. I was just thrilled to see this blanket again. It is my favorite (I am partial to zebra print) and it is from her Auntie which makes it even better.

This other picture of her in the Tinkerbell costume took place after church on Sunday. Believe it or not...this was the first time I have every seen her want to play dress up on her own. Usually it takes a friend or adult to ask her if she's interested, is blocks, cooking or coloring that she prefers. I am shocked that she may be coming out of her "tom-boy" phase. (She has recently been stuffing things in her shirt and calling it her she has a Cabbage Patch named Savannah and she takes care of her pretty well) there is hope that she will be girly at some point. 

There has been SO MUCH rain here the last 3 weeks that I let Charlotte begin wearing her rain boots to school. She got these for her birthday this year and just LOVES them (thanks Aspen) but they are a bit big still. Although, I thought we would give them a try since the rainy season doesn't stay forever and Charlotte gave this face of amazement when she put them on. She absolutely loves clonkin' around in those cute things.
I have begun to switch around Charlotte's schedule a little and let her take showers in the morning now. First of all, she has just started the shower thing and she just LOVES how grown up she feels when we let her take one. Second, she has always bathed at night (and I have always been pretty adamant that this happens EVERY NIGHT) but once in a while now she will be taking a shower and getting ready in the mornings with her Mommy. I thought I would take a photo opportunity with the first official shower/blow drying of the hair (she wanted to do it by herself....Miss Independent) 

Lastly, I had to take a picture of the domestic projects I took upon myself on Saturday. I claim to not know how to sew but I never realized that I could put together baby blankets so easily. Thanks to my mother-in-law I was able to whip out these cute flannel blankets with matching burp cloths. It felt good to use a sewing machine successfully and make something homemade. This gives me confidence to move onto larger projects too.....which I am starting soon with my friend Page...she will be helping me with the girls' Halloween costumes. I know it is super early but JoAnne's was having a sale when we were down in Ft. Collins last and we couldn't resist. I am going to match the girls also and so will Adam. It should be a very Be-Boppin' time. :) I am grateful for talented friends and family who are willing to share their time teaching me and making me a better person. Boy can I always use that!