Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A List

I found this on LDSLiving and found it very interesting. I am grateful for computers because it makes for an easy cut-n-paste of this particular article into my blog where I can remember it always (I print out my blog entries into a journal). This neat article included 30 things President Thomas S. Monson directly instructed Latter-day Saints to do during the Spring 2011 General Conference:

    Saturday Morning–Introduction

  1. May we continue to be faithful in performing such ordinances, not only for ourselves but also for our deceased loved ones who are unable to do so for themselves.
  2. Thank you, as well, for your faithfulness in paying your tithes and offerings and for your generosity in contributing to the other funds of the Church.
  3. May I suggest that if you are able, you might consider making a contribution to the General Missionary Fund of the Church.

Priesthood Session

  1. May we be worthy recipients of the divine power of the priesthood we bear.[start of talk] –> Safeguard it, treasure it, live worthy of it. [end of talk]
  2. May it [priesthood] bless our lives and may we use it to bless the lives of others.
  3. Many movies and television shows portray behavior which is in direct opposition to the laws of God. Do not subject yourself to the innuendo and outright filth which are so often found there.
  4. I am sorry that any of us is subjected to profane language, and I plead with you not to use it. I implore you not to say or to do anything of which you cannot be proud.
  5. Stay completely away from pornography. Do not allow yourself to view it, ever.
  6. Avoid alcohol and tobacco or any other drugs, also addictions which you would be hard pressed to conquer.
  7. If you have not read the Book of Mormon, read it.
  8. If you do not already have a testimony of these things, do that which is necessary to obtain one.
  9. Once obtained, a testimony needs to be kept vital and alive through obedience to the commandments of God and through regular prayer and scripture study. Attend church. You young men, attend seminary or institute if such is available to you.
  10. Should there be anything amiss in your life, [repent].
  11. [young men, get married]
  12. Choose a companion carefully and prayerfully; and when you are married, be fiercely loyal one to another.
  13. She is not to be demeaned or insulted but should be respected and loved.
  14. If any of you are having difficulty in your marriage, I urge you to do all that you can to make whatever repairs are necessary.
  15. Do not let your marriage get to the point where it is in jeopardy.
  16. discipline ourselves so that we stand above the ways of the world. It is essential that we be honorable and decent men. Our actions must be above reproach.

Sunday Morning–Temples

  1. If you have been to the temple for yourselves and if you live within relatively close proximity to a temple, your sacrifice could be setting aside the time in your busy lives to visit the temple regularly.
  2. If you have not yet been to the temple or if you have been but currently do not qualify for a recommend, there is no more important goal for you to work toward than being worthy to go to the temple….Secure a temple recommend and regard it as a precious possession, for such it is.
  3. Now, my young friends who are in your teenage years, always have the temple in your sights. Do nothing which will keep you from entering its doors and partaking of the sacred and eternal blessings there.
  4. may I share with you some sage advice from President Spencer W. Kimball. Said he: “It would be a fine thing if … parents would have in every bedroom in their house a picture of the temple so [their children] from the time [they are] infant[s] could look at the picture every day [until] it becomes a part of [their lives].
  5. I plead with you to teach your children of the temple’s importance.
  6. As you and I go to the holy houses of God, as we remember the covenants we make within, we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation.
  7. may we make whatever sacrifices are necessary to attend the temple and to have the spirit of the temple in our hearts and in our homes.
  8. May we follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for us, that we might have eternal life and exaltation in our Heavenly Father’s kingdom.

Sunday Afternoon-Conclusion

  1. May we long remember the messages we have heard. As we receive the issues of the Ensign and Liahona magazines which will contain these messages in written form, may we read and study them.
  2. May we be good citizens of the nations in which we live and good neighbors in our communities, reaching out to those of other faiths as well as to those of our own.
  3. May we be examples of honesty and integrity wherever we go and in whatever we do.
Wow, so many great things to remember and put into action. I am so thankful for a living prophet on the earth today. Through him, the Lord guides us...and it is so wonderful to have a testimony of that.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happiest Place On Earth.....

My first memory of Disneyland was when I was 5. My grandparents took me there for my birthday. I remember what I was wearing and what ride was my favorite. It was a good day. When Adam and I decided that I would make this last minute trip alone, it was tough to want to go without him and Savannah.....but then I thought to myself that this might be Charlotte's first memory of Disneyland and since her Grandma would be there....how sweet would that be? After going, I can see that Charlotte will talk about her memories of Disneyland to many people and remember them always.

Burt from Mary Poppins stopped and talked to Charlotte before we ventured down Main Street.

It was a perfect day for the park. 66 degrees and bright and sunny.

She loves Grandma Peni.

New Orleans Square is my favorite part of the park. Live jazz music, sourdough bread bowls with clam chowder and Pirates of the Carribean. Love it!

It took me a bit to realize that there were not any pictures with Sandi in them....my Mom's best friend, Sandi, was also with us at Disneyland during this trip. And the other little girl seen pictured here with Charlotte is her grand-daughter (Suzy's daughter). Anyway, sorry Sandi...I will have to get more pictures with you next time. Thank you for the visit and thank you for taking so many great pictures! It really was a great day!

They were SO great together....no bickering, no whining....it was very pleasant. Such good girls. :)

Charlotte's favorite movie!

Captain EO was back in business! Woo-hoo!

90 minute wait to see Rapunzel and get her autograph....I don't think so. :/ Char was sad but a good sport about the situation.

She loves Mr. Toad...I rented this movie for her one time and she just thought it was the Bees-Knees.

"It's a small world after all"......She still sings this almost everyday.

Another memory of Disneyland was when my Dad took us on the Tea Cups and the cup was turning so fast that it felt like it was turning on its side. I loved that feeling. This was the same day I went on Space Mountain for the first time...I cried the whole time in line (because my Dad insisted that I ride with them) and as soon as it began, I laughed and giggled the whole duration. It was instantly my favorite ride and still is to this day. :)

I have to report also....that Charlotte was tall enough for every ride at the Magic Kingdom. She road Thunder Mountain Railroad, Matterhorn and Space Mountain. She liked them all except for the little scare from the Yeti on Matterhorn. :)

Thank you Disneyland for all the WONDERFUL memories through out the years!!!!!

Trip to So.Cal con Mi Madre

For the last 5 years, I have seen my Mom on an average of a mere 4-5 days a year. While this is a tough reality, we have such a good time when we are together and we always pick up right where we left off. I hope that we might be able to live closer to one another in the near future. Charlotte really loved spending time with her Grandma Peni. Thank you for the visit Mom! We love you.

A huge bonus of going to California is that I have friends and family to catch up with. This trip was SUPER fun because I stayed with my sister/friend Suzy. Charlotte and I loved being with this family. It was great getting to spend time with them....I formed a bond with each one of their kids & while that made it tough to leave, I hope they remember us fondly.

Opera In A Gym

Every year, the University of Wyoming has a traveling group that is titled, "Opera In A Gym." This group tours to different areas, taking their original show on the road for grades K-5. The show consists of operatic music that has adapted new lyrics and small speaking parts in order to teach a good lesson & tell an original story. This year was the first time the group traveled up to Montana. We were based in Helena, MT and we performed 10 different shows in 5 days. The title of the show was "Rats, Rats and More Rats!....or How Stinky Cheese Saved the Day." My friend Anne and I were cats that watched the alley rats.

We all wear Converse All-Stars because we perform in the gym at each school.

Setting up for the show.

Helena was really gorgeous (as is the rest of Montana) and we enjoyed visiting the local sights. We were able to go inside this beautiful cathedral and feel the calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saturday Is The Special Day.....

Dad went on a Young Men's Paintball Camp Out. He came home with great stories and even greater battle wounds. Savvy enjoyed wearing his mask.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter and the Never Ending Winter

So, the weather here is still snowy on most days and we have had to jump on the bed a lot in order to get our wiggles out (good thing our neighbor downstairs is hard of hearing). But we have hopes for warmer weather....maybe in June?

She is very good at getting ready for school.

Sometimes she enjoys trying on my clothes while I am still getting ready in the morning. I think she looks loke E.T. here. :P

Look out! She is watching you Easter Bunny. The girls had a fabulous time searching for their eggs this year. There were mostly real eggs (since I am really trying to keep the girls away from candy)....we had egg salad all week. :/ I enjoyed it....but I noticed Adam and the girls starting to loose their spark for an "Egg" centered dish by day three.

She loves animals...even the cat who doesn't enjoy her and sometimes scratches her to tell her "enough!" (This was at Brenden's house but didn't make it into the last posting with the other pict.'s from that evening).

The Easter Bunny brought the movie "Tangled" to the girls this year. We watch it about 2 times a day.....it is a HOMERUN with our girlies.

Dinner Parties, Playtime and a Birthday

I died my hair with my friend Anne.....it was DARK but is slowly lightening back to my natural color.
Pretty little thing.

Fancy girl at a fancy dinner party with the Tonak/Schatz clan.

The center of attention.

Wow, she was tired that night.....but I had to document the B-I-N-K-Y. Who wishes for it to disappear? (me) But that fun day will soon come......it should be interesting.

Sister love.

Hey....she was the one who wanted in there.

I love this outfit....it makes peoples blood boil over here and I find it a bit funny.

Just look at that FRO.

I have mastered this chicken-pot-pie recipe. Yum-O Not difficult....but still delicious.

My 30th birthday was such a wonderful day. I am thankful for my loving family.
It was so nice having my Mother-in-law in town for a visit that weekend. Also, my Sister and Brother-in-law brought their family for a swim meet down from Gillette, so it was a fabulous weekend filled with fun! (I pretended they were all there for me....naturally)