Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter Fun

Adam and I had our first opportunity to attend the temple without children!!!!! Thank you soooo very much to our dear friend Jennifer who watched the girls the whole day last weekend!

What was it like having four children Jen?...hee-hee
She said it was great fun. We are so grateful for her service! We had a wonderful day at the temple.

Afterwards, we were able to visit Kelli in Craig Hospital. She looked so great and it was very nice to see her in such good spirits....out of bed, in a wheel chair, moving around. I think she knew it was us and we hope our visit was helpful to her and Chauncy. We look forward to her slow but consistent recovery. It was so hard to let go of her hand....and she resisted letting go of mine was really sweet.

Charlotte in the mornings....she gets her cereal all by herself.

She has added the stage of "not wearing her shirt at dinner." We LOVE her so much.

Adam left town to work again up at his parents house, so Savvy and I headed to church on our own. Here she is, ready for church.


She played with this homemade "Robot" suit for HOURS.......the simplest little things.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friends Forever


Here are some of the best shots I was able to capture of our last year with Elise Johnson.
(my older pictures are not in digital format anymore unfortunately)

No more training wheels!

St. Patrick's Day 2010

They were wearing matching pants from Old Navy

Elise's beautiful curly hair.
(Aunt Tanya's Graduation from University of Wyoming- May 2010)

Savannah's first birthday...June 11, 2010. This was the weekend we had scheduled up at the Erickson cabin with the Johnson's (in Laramie Peaks) but it rained ALL we headed up to their house in Casper instead. We still had a WONDERFUL time regardless of the weather.

The amazing duo. :)


(Charlotte called Kelli this until she was about three or four years old. Kelli would always refer to herself as "Momma" when speaking to her kids and so naturally.....Char thought this was her name.) How fitting. :)

The "cool" place to sit.

So sweet.

Kelli teaching Char how to ride a bike without training wheels.

Milla-pead and Savvy.

The Wii!!!!


Recap of December Happenings

Savannah crying for her binky and Char being sassy....the usual scene.

Christmas morning was cold.....7 degrees Fahrenheit...bbbbbrrrrrr.

The girls LOVE being with their cousins at Grandma's new pad!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God Bless Elise Marie Johnson

These pictures turned out blurry because I was not paying attention to the settings, yet, these were the last shots I got of Elise and Charlotte, and the whole Johnson family before their tragic accident on Christmas Eve 2010. (these were taken at baby Logan's blessing on Nov. 7, 2010 just a month prior)

I have so much to say and yet no words can describe how much love we have for our friends, the Johnson Family. They have been such a great example to us over the years. We met them in our ward in 2006. Their eldest daughter has been one of Charlotte's best friends. Elise, who we called "Eli," was spunky, athletic, a great singer, dancer, artist, etc. She was quick as a whip and very helpful. I spent a lot of time with her. I gave her a voice lesson once (per her request) and also, a ballet lesson. I bathed her, changed her diapers, got her dressed for Halloween one year. It was a pleasure to serve her. She was a lot of fun.

I saw her grow into a very calm and maturing older sister. Her patience, understanding of life and love grew so much each year (this was due to her Mother's patience and rearing in love with the help of their Savior)....she is such a beautiful angel now. I hope she looks over our family and remembers us with love. We will miss her sweet spirit and cannot wait to reunite with her again soon.

On Dec. 24, 2010, Kelli and her daughter, Elise, age 5, were skiing. They were involved in a tragic skiing accident on the mountain in Wyoming, where a young man collided with these two and he and Eli both lost their lives. Kelli has been in critical condition since the accident, surrounded by love, prayers and the blessings of the priesthood. We pray that her condition improves and that she may be able to once again rejoin her family here on earth at this time. If it is the Lord's will. We love this family, forever....and will do everything we can to help them. We have faith for a brighter tomorrow.

Christmas Season

The girls run a lot in our is Savannah running away with one of her gifts.

We named our Pillow Pet, "Maggie P." short for Maggie P. Erickson, because the unicorn has magical powers.....

She was saying, "cookie"....which sounds like "shooshiee"

Charlotte LOVES art!!! She got a lot of coloring and painting supplies.

Minutes after waking up.....Savannah is not much the morning gal.

Chocolate cookies for Santa.

This bag was our "gifts for Jesus" bag (an idea from the Friend Magazine). Santa took the drawings out of here, from Charlotte, to give to Jesus.

Oh Christmas Tree.....

Up at Grandmas new house! She had the grand kids help her open her gift.


Sweet hugs from Cadence!!!

This was the Christmas Concert that I got to put on over at Charlotte's PreSchool. I am the music teacher there (been employed since June) and this is a picture of Charlotte's class singing to the parents and their families. It was SO crowded and quite a cute presentation. I LOVE my job!!!!

Charlotte's new thing is that she wants to "set the table".....she does a great job!

I was able to take Charlotte to her first production of the "Nutcracker" ballet, here at the University of Wyoming. She sat through almost the entire thing. We LOVED the show! Fantastic!!!! I hope this stays a holiday tradition in our family.

We were joking around the other night and put a diaper on was hilarious.