Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Happenings

Fall is here (or an early peak of winter) so that means time for Halloween costume prepping, pumpkin pie and candy! We had a fun Family Home Evening this week decorating pumpkins. Charlotte drew her own face on her very own pumpkin (which gave us a giggle) and Savvy's wee little pumpkin was decorated by her Daddy. I can't wait to buy a BIG pumpkin and roast the seeds.

Another happening this week was little Vannah's first haircut. She did well. These pictures of her doing some tummy-time show the long hairs that were around her ears and some long strays on top. I used the #4 clipper on those little guys and now she looks much better. The shot of her in the bathtub is to show the results....she enjoyed the outcome as you can see.

Hope you are all having a Happy Fall.


  1. man what beautiful girls!! savannah's little precious face is priceless...and how did yuo get babies with so much hair???????????????? i'll be lucky if kandace needs a haircut before she's 3!

  2. I still haven't cut Annie's hair and she's almost 3. Of course you have better style than me! You guys are so cute! And can I add that Savannah looks just like Charlotte! The only difference I see is the brown hair. Oh, and I can't believe she's 4 months old already!
