Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

She designed this look.

And Savvy designed this......W.O.W.
Yes, she shared her egg yolk with her baby.

She was "modeling."

We signed up for watering duties at the girls' preschool. It was a good time!

Haircut time.

This was the beginning of the craziest storm I have seen roll through our town. It lasted about 2 hours and was constantly rumbling with thunder accompanied by hail and lightning.

Band concert in the park every Wednesday evening. The girls behaved pretty well this year.

The carnival came through town and we enjoyed their fun/scary rides together. The girls even went on this one by themselves.

The view from the Ferris Wheel.

Can you see the brave Char?....up there in the blue. This ride gave me a heart attack just watching.

Cousins from Mississippi!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are So cute. You look great. Glad te see You are re happy and doing well.
