Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Merry

We are all "Merry" here......can't wait for our first Christmas at home. Savvy had her 6 month check-up yesterday and is up to the 40th percentile for weight and 50th for head size and length. We have begun to love our new pediatrician. (As far as the women's clinic side, I am glad I am not preggo right now, we just lost the best OB/GYN in town and appointments are very backed up....we will truly miss Dr. Keeler) Other news, I graduated and decided to take time off for a year or two before going back for a Master's so........I am a full time Mom starting next week. Yay! I cannot be more thrilled!!!!!! May your heart be full this Christmas season.


  1. Dr. Keeler is gone!!! I loved him! Do you know why he left? Congrats on graduating! I hope you enjoy staying at home. It can be HARD staying at home with 2, but still fun and rewarding. Are you going to be teaching any lessons now from home? Spencer misses Charlotte and tells everyone about his friend/cousin. Aaron asked him if he liked Arizona and he said no, he just likes Wyoming better. Makes me sad, he just wants to go back to Wyoming - I feel the same way some days :). Glad to hear things are going well! Good luck and have fun being full-time mommy!

  2. Savannah is so cute!
    Of course Charlotte is too!
    Thanks for the pictures. They're taped up for all our visitors and of course us to see!
    We miss you guys! Merry Christmas!

  3. I guess I wasn't done with my comments, Why did Dr. Keeler leave?

    Oh, and yay! I'm glad you'll be a full-time mom! Now I can call you during the day without the worry of interrupting you in class! What made you decided to do this?
