Tuesday, October 13, 2009

4 Months & 4 Years

Our little one had her four month check up today. She is teeny-tiny. Only 12 lbs. 1 ounce.....15th percentile. Wow....Char had doubled her birth weight at two months and Sav hasn't even done that in four. One difference is that Savvy hasn't switched to formula yet. Maybe that has something to do with it...who knows? But it is funny to see her still fit into newborn and 0-3 month clothing. :) As for little Lotte, she is still smack dab in the 50th percentile as always. I guess that explains why she has always fit into the clothes that say the appropriate age for her.

Also in the news: My sister is having a girl!!!! Yay. She and Savannah will only be 8 months apart. That will be super fun. I hope to make it out to Mississippi for the delivery, etc. She is due two days after my birthday....March 7th.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how little Savannah is! Chase is weighing in at a healthy 21.6 lbs and that was 3 weeks ago! He has already grown out of almost all of his 12 mo. clothes. Btw, that will be so fun for you and your sister to have little girls so close together!
