Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference, Western Nature, Two-Front Teeth

The girls played Conference Bingo this year. It was a hit.

We love General Conference. What a great time of year! We are thankful for modern technology so we can watch whenever and wherever (thank you Iphone).

Still cannot get enough of the pretty sunsets. It is my "thing" I suppose.

She lost her two front teeth this week!!!!! What a growing girl.

She saved up 5 dollars from the last three teeth and bought herself a pair of sandals for the summer. What a responsible child. (We have been reading Dave Ramsey's books for children on how to handle money)

She wanted me to take a picture of her baby Savannah doll. :)

Sav is better about looking at us when she is watching T.V......her sister will still not even notice us standing there. This picture was taken one week after Sav's surgery. She had tubes put in her ears for the 2nd time and the Dr. also took out her adenoids. This surgery was rough and she stayed home in pain for a whole week. Although, this picture is proof that she was back to normal by day 8. We are grateful she feels better and hope that this surgery will continue to help her health in the future.

Some things that she LOVES to do:
put on her swim suit, wear her high heels, wear my glasses, put on her backpack and say "bye Mom," and get her nails painted. A typical day. :)

Baby C did not enjoy the cookout because he wanted to touch the fire.

The rest of us had a great time in the mountains.


UPDATE: The warm weather is JUST around the corner!!!! hooray. 6 more weeks and I am done with my Mater's Program. I gave my graduate recital in January so I have no final jury during finals week {check}, I defended my thesis last weekend and passed. {check} I took my final comprehension exams yesterday and feel good about them {check} I taught my last vocal jazz rehearsal and they performed their concert last night sucessfully {check} the top mixed choir "Collegiate Chorale" gave their final concert for the semester last Sunday and my solo sounded good {check} I was asked by the Registrar at the University to help in their office at the front desk until they fill the position in a month, so I began working there part time this week and I really enjoy it....good thing because I will begin working there May 15 as their "permanenet records" position. It will be a perfect part time position for the summer. {check} I was asked to sing at Commencement and my Dad and Mom will be present (cannot wait to see them!) {check} All I have left is my 12 credits of courses to finish this semester (and I enjoy all the subjects and the professors I have this semester...yay) and we have the full staged opera The Mikado from Apr. 17-21 to perform. I then take a week to go on tour with Opera in a Gym for kids ages K-5 (we are going to Jackson Hole this year) and then I am D-O-N-E!!!!

It makes me happy to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel now. I still have a strong little voice studio and enjoy teaching more and more. Hopefully I can stay home full time in the near future and teach while the girls are at school. I am so grateful that I study something I love. It has changed me into a new person. Never give up on your dreams!

My future dreams: Add another member to our family, run in a half marathon and perform with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Not necessarily in that order. :)