Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Girly Girls

We practice taking pictures so she will not blink for the camera (she has a tendency to close her eyes) It ususally takes 3 or 4 times to get it right.


She LOVES her Froggy. They are so sweet when they are sleeping.

My Valentine's day was wonderful. Adam got 9 roses for the 9 years we have been married and two of them were white (representing our two little angels)

They like to try on our coats.

Rocking out to the Glee Prom episode! (Best songs in this episode)

This picture happened a while was a fun day for C.

C wanted to take pictures of me and Sav one day after school. It was funny.

We need to get this girl into dance classes!

She loves high heels......scary.

Johnson kiddos came to visit for my recital. It was great!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Christmas 2011

Yes....these pictures are late.
We had a wonderful Christmas as a family. Santa ate his cookies and brought some presents.

Sav wanted to wear her new dress-up dress to church..along with her brand new heels.

We left Christmas day for Grandma & Grandpa's house. The girls had requested some towels with princesses on them. Grandma made that happen quick and they were so thrilled. They sure are spoiled by Grandma.

The weather was so much nicer up in the Black Hills (it usually is) so we enjoyed our sunsets outside.

We shopped until we dropped.

The girls met their brand new baby cousin, Camrie. What a sweet thang!!!

It was good to be with family. We loved our holiday break.