Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snow Days. Winter 2011-2012

They love to roll down this hill. :)



Thanks for the fun in the snow Mom.

"Now, it is time to play my piano concerto..." ~Sav

December Festivities

I was invited to attend a really neat workshop the other day. This San Diego, California temple picture cost me a fraction of the price they charge for them on and I put it together myself! I learned a lot that day and was grateful for the experience. Also, Adam and I just had our 9 year wedding anniversary on December 27th, and this was my gift to him. Now we just need to find a place to hang it in our teeny apartment. :)

We have had the BEST sunrise and sunsets this pretty!
This one was the sunrise when getting ready for school.

We made 10 tea-towels with the girls' hand prints on either side and then I painted their names next to the prints. This was our Christmas gift to our family members this year. Thank you to my friend Anne for the idea. It was a fun project.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful and thoughtful husband. It really is a blessing to be married to my best friend. We have a great time together! Here we are at our friend's house where they made him a cake and we all sang to him. It was a good day.

This was a really fun weekend for all!

Enjoying lunch in the Captain's Headquaters that date back from the 1890's. Go U.S. Air Force!

Our sell-out tree. So pretty though.

They love to get dressed up and have their picture taken. Funny girls.

Char was a pro with Santa this year. It took her a while to stutter out what she wanted (sometimes it takes her a while to get to a point) but it was sweet. Also, this was the day Char got her hair cut (see story below). I LOVE her new haircut.

This was at the ward Christmas party that I DRAGGED Adam to......will he ever want to make friends or go out? I am glad we push eachother to be better people and get out of our comfort zones every once in a while. We work as a good team.

He and I enjoyed seeing Char in the Primary's Live-Nativity scene. They sang a few songs was so adorable. What a good memory for us to have.

The girls got their Christmas present early this year.....a NEW bed. And it is a bunk-bed no less. These beds are so roomy and cozy. We are very pleased with our purchase from American Furniture Warehouse. We know these beds will last a long time and come in handy.

See the long hair? It is so beautiful and takes a while to grow out but we know that some little girl will be honored to wear a wig made out of this, so......Charlotte decided to donate it for her second time to "Locks of Love." She was so gracious to give up her hair. She didn't cry or anything. What a neat little girl.

Thanksgiving with the Fam.

Grandma and Grandpa Erickson's new house is quite the comfortable set up for the kiddos...

They climb...
They have their own playroom

A nice big deck to play on...

And they give us regular performances or "shows" on the piano.

Adam always keeps himself busy helping out his parents...what a handy guy.

Fun with cousins at Thanksgiving!

Workin hard or hardly workin'?

The Turkey Trot

Can we eat yet?

A lot of good food, family, friends and fun. We were very Thankful for many things this year.

Baby Caleb likes cold potatoes

They had some friends to play with the whole weekend too.

This was her getting ready for Grandma's house.

This is a pretty familiar face from the little one....always wanting to do what older sister can do. She gets a bit upset when things don't work out that way.