Saturday, October 30, 2010

BeBop 50's Girls- Halloween!!!

These skirts were all made by my best friend Page Lucky. She is a talented seamstress and a wonderful, kind, thoughtful and SUPER RAD person!!! How lucky (no pun intended) am I?

she was busy pointing at the birds

she looks cute but if I tried to take her lollipop (while strapping her into her car seat or for some other task) she would scream bloody murder. She is such a lovely child. :)

Charlotte got to bring her friend Daphne along. :) We loved having her with us.

Fishing for her a prize.....oooooh.....she loved the suspense.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Star Valley House

These girls love looking pretty. I took these next to the Afton house in the back.

She was dancing in this picture. It is so cute when she does too.....she waves her hands and turns in circles. :)

Fall leaves...

Afton is so pretty. Isn't Charlotte so sweet to Savannah?

View of the new Afton, WY elementary school.

Birthday presents from Grandma Peni and Rob

Little America, Wy. We had a great stay!!! (this is where Grandma and Grandpa Erickson stayed on their honeymoon)

How does she eat this so well with only 8 teeth?

September 2010: Charlotte Turns 5 and Labor Day Camping

Curly Sue

Successful ear tube surgery at Ivinson Hospital.

Like mother like daughter.....Char loves Dr. Suess

Cool dance party Friday nights!

They lit up Mt. Rushmore for a special veterans presentation. We learned so much about this monument that evening. Very cool family activity!

I actually enjoyed camping!!!! It was a true miracle.

But we had great company to make the trip a blast. :) Thanks for inviting us Jeidi's!

Storybook Island in Rapid City is SO GREAT!!!

Tear. What can I say?....they grow up WAY too fast. Charlotte is such a wonderful little five year old. I am glad she didn't make the cut off for Kindergarten this would have been too much change in one little month and her Mom would have lost it. Happy Birthday sweet Charlotte Anne!

Say Cheese

We like to take oodles of pictures.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Krieger Visit

We took my sister and her hubby, Matt, up to the Black Hills this summer. Charlotte and Savannah really enjoyed the extra attention they received from them. And I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to have a family member visit. I am SO homesick still (it has been 4 years....will this ever go away?) Don't get me wrong, I love life here in good 'ole Wyomin' just makes me a bit sad that we have no family in town anymore. I miss that comfort and luxury. Someday I suppose......someday. :) Anyway, they enjoyed the rally, Newcastle, the cabin, etc. It was a fabulous visit.

This picture actually looks a lot like me as a!

And this one is Savannah's best pouty-face. Her world is OVER when she is told "no." It used to be sad to I giggle a little at how dramatic she is. GIRLS!!!!!!

We love getting dirty on the 4-wheelers.....this face cracks me up. hahaha

Speedy Salt Lake Trip

We took a trip over to Salt Lake for a weekend. It was a long drive with these girls....and we did not have much time to relax but it was well worth it. Some of our best friends from Florida and from southern Utah were going to be in town on the same weekend! We couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing them. It was such a great time!!!! I also loved being in SLC. We stayed downtown at the Little America Hotel (thanks for the recommendation Jared) and we had a blast. Adam ended up sick Sunday morning, with all the food we tried to eat (we have many favorite restaurants there) so I had to drive all the way home. :) Oh well.....I was happy to. It was so sad to see him laying down in the grass at the truck stop in Rawlins. Poor guy. Luckily, he recovered for work the next morning.

Charlotte pointed and said, "Look Mom, Joseph Smith!" I was so thrilled to see that my little girl knows who Joseph Smith is. She recognized him all by herself. It made me tear up a bit. :) Kids are so sweet!!!!!

The Joseph Smith memorial building is so beautiful. I love visiting this place. We ate at the restaurant and really enjoyed it. I also loved that I got to spend the evening with some of my dearest girlfriends from my days at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA. We were in the L.D.S. (Lambda Delta Sigma) sorority together.

Thanksgiving that I have kids, this was actually a pretty fun place to go. We chose to visit the Country Farm. I learned a lot about bugs while everyone else went on a hay ride.

Then we checked out the local In-N-Out. I cannot believe they are in come they didn't have that when I was living there? So not fair. :) was D-licious!

Another thing I looked forward to on this trip was the first tasting of my friend's gourmet bake shop, "The Sweet Tooth Fairy." Words cannot describe how moist and flavorful these cupcakes were. I enjoyed the cake bites the most though. They were featured on Rachel Ray last year and I now "taste" why. ;) Way to go Megs!!!!!