I have been thinking about my impromptu list ever since and I keep adding bullet points in my mind (some big items, some small).......so I thought I would share some of them on the blog so it goes into a journal format.
I am thankful for: (in no particular order)
* The knowledge I have gained through prayer and scripture study of the restored gospel on this earth today and that I have gained a testimony that it is true
*My husband who was able to take me to the temple and the two little girls that have blessed our family
*My extended family and friends and their welcomed friendships
*My health and my families health
*The fact that there is a temple in Denver that I am able to attend with my husband
*My calling in the Young Women
*The ability to get down on my knees and pray anytime
*My Saviour, Our Father in Heaven and the Holy Ghost
*Our home and our ward family
*This free country we live in and the troops that have helped maintain it
*The fact that Adam works outside all day in the snow and when he arrives home, he comments on how good it feels to take an extra long hot shower in order to get warm again. This made me tear up.
now some small things (but also still super important)
*The ability to sew (Not perfectly, but good enough to get by)....and that I have a sewing machine
*The internet and my phone so I can keep in touch with my family and friends since they are scattered about this country
*our camera and video camera, to capture some great moments for the kids that they might not remember or that they want to share with others in the future......so basically, technology
*To not be pregnant (LOL....sorry, I still hate that I am sick the whole time I am preggo)
*The crib my Mom and Ginger bought for Char that we are now using for Sav.
*Vitamins-(I have taken these all semester and have not once gotten sick....even when my kids bring germs home from their school)...I believe in supplements/vitamins
*My new hair color (practical and cute)
*The ability to be able to study music for the past three years. My voice and my knowledge of music has blossomed. (and for years I thought I had lost the ability to gain this dream)
*Deer burger....I actually cooked it the other night and did not GAG. Thanks for the free meat Grant.
Gosh, now that I have had time to think about it, this list could go on and on and on. But I will stop and save the rest for my daughters journals and my on going thoughts through out this next year. I really hope I can keep a more thankful heart the whole year and not just during this season.